Monday 2 May 2011

Si vous ĂȘtes Jealous

Salut, bloggers/blabbers. Sorry i have not posted in a while been busy busy the last few days, safe to say let summmer begin! In pain from the rides at the festivals though! Sadly no love at first sight :'( anyway enjoy todays post...

Jealousy, i even dislike the word, its horrible when you feel jealous of something or someone i.e the person you like. Its horrible when a someone likes your crush or your crush likes someone else! Well heres what i do or would do... If you are  super shy you should get one of your bestest to ask him who he likes (they have to be friends with them), if you are confident enough though to get over most of the Jealousy you should tell him how you feel and if he feels the same way then that is amazing! But if he doesnt you have the chance to get over him and if he does get another girlfriend dont worry about it theres nothing wrong with you at all he just maybe has more in comon with her or something like that. Just remember dont let the Jealousy take over!
catch you later B-

Thursday 28 April 2011

Love's hate behind a white vail, a red balloon bursting in my face. - Havisham

Salut blabbers/bloggers, there is no advise or help today only a question a contemplation you could call it
I'm sure you with understand, everyone has there favourite line in poetry and this is mine (also included in the title) - Love's hate behind a white Vail, a red balloon bursting in my face. - Havisham 
enjoy the post...

Bloggers is it really possible to give up on Love? merely contemplating it concerns me, what if all mankind refused to love would that really be what our existence came to? a world with out love surely we would never survive. What if you were in a situation were a guy you really liked didn't feel the same - I'm on dreamland... population you ask - me. I love to love but hate to be heartbroken so many ask why go through it, well there was once a great woman who said there is no love without loss. I agree totally with this everyone deserves a first love, just don't hate it when something goes wrong - if it does which i deeply hope it doesn't. Good luck and say no to the hate of love.
catch you later, B-

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Confusing much...?

Salut bloggers/blabbers these few days have been very eventful i am sorry i haven't posted! it was one of my bestests bdayy so... 

The Guys in my life are the most complicated people ever! they act like they fancii me but then as soon as i stop popping up on facebook, because i think he should start talking to me more, he acts all cold and wierd? strange right? thats what i was thinking. Well here is what im gonna do i think i might confront him and if he doesnt want the same thing as i do then so what? at least i will know. Im gonna have to build up the courage first. But i think if you are having the same prob with a guy or girl i think you should do the same + who cares what everyone else thinks its all about you and him/her so make the most of the before period because after this you will be commited! ;;) or you will be free to move on so its win win? 
catch you later, B- 

Sunday 24 April 2011

Its like Chocolate and Chips

Salut blabbers/bloggers, how much chocolate did the Easter bunny get you? Happy Easter bloggers!
Enjoy todaii's post its about the differences between people, of course inspired by chocolate since it is Easter, all chocolates are different but they can still go together...

So then you like a guy/girl who is completely different to you, we have all been through the same thing, he/she likes homework and school and you couldn't be less interested or the other way around. oh or he/she is very interested in sports and your idea of p.e is excerising your right to walk around town all day. But so what everyone has there differences, people do say opposits attract. If you are worried you will have nothing to talk about there has to be some sort of common interest, for example if you are vegetarian and he/she isnt talk about what you would like to eat if you were not a vegetarian or why you decided to be vegetarian. Its awesome to like someone who has the same interests as you but its not bad to like someone who is completly different so dont be put of!
'First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.' - George Bernard Shaw

 catch you later, B-

Saturday 23 April 2011

Salut Strangers?

Salut fellow bloggers/blabbers, this is really an intro to my blabbing which sounds starnge i know but hey thats me so here it goes-

Hello is a funny word right? you say it to new people old people an current people, it can also be a very difficult word. Especially if your trying to say it to somebody you like. heres a way that could work:
Step 1- look at them in the eye first but only once, keep your head facing them but draw your eyes away to something else
Step 2- if he/she looks at you laugh with a friend to show your having a good time
Step 3- walk there way (if they are showing interest then whoo! if they are not clevery avoid them by waving to someone as if thats were you were walking to all the time)
Step 4- say hey! you have seen that they are interested so they might wanna meet you , try talk about the thing your doing to get the convo going
'do all things with love' - Og Mandino  

Try it out it might work- Good luck

....Tommorows easter not sure if i will be blogging fingers crossed i will....

catch your later, B-