Thursday 28 April 2011

Love's hate behind a white vail, a red balloon bursting in my face. - Havisham

Salut blabbers/bloggers, there is no advise or help today only a question a contemplation you could call it
I'm sure you with understand, everyone has there favourite line in poetry and this is mine (also included in the title) - Love's hate behind a white Vail, a red balloon bursting in my face. - Havisham 
enjoy the post...

Bloggers is it really possible to give up on Love? merely contemplating it concerns me, what if all mankind refused to love would that really be what our existence came to? a world with out love surely we would never survive. What if you were in a situation were a guy you really liked didn't feel the same - I'm on dreamland... population you ask - me. I love to love but hate to be heartbroken so many ask why go through it, well there was once a great woman who said there is no love without loss. I agree totally with this everyone deserves a first love, just don't hate it when something goes wrong - if it does which i deeply hope it doesn't. Good luck and say no to the hate of love.
catch you later, B-

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