Sunday 24 April 2011

Its like Chocolate and Chips

Salut blabbers/bloggers, how much chocolate did the Easter bunny get you? Happy Easter bloggers!
Enjoy todaii's post its about the differences between people, of course inspired by chocolate since it is Easter, all chocolates are different but they can still go together...

So then you like a guy/girl who is completely different to you, we have all been through the same thing, he/she likes homework and school and you couldn't be less interested or the other way around. oh or he/she is very interested in sports and your idea of p.e is excerising your right to walk around town all day. But so what everyone has there differences, people do say opposits attract. If you are worried you will have nothing to talk about there has to be some sort of common interest, for example if you are vegetarian and he/she isnt talk about what you would like to eat if you were not a vegetarian or why you decided to be vegetarian. Its awesome to like someone who has the same interests as you but its not bad to like someone who is completly different so dont be put of!
'First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.' - George Bernard Shaw

 catch you later, B-

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